Tagged: data


Ocean (2009)

Ocean (2009) from Peter Morse on Vimeo. A visualisation of the global ocean derived from the GEBCO dataset. Rendered at 4k Fulldome resolution. This is an excerpt from ongoing work – there is so much to do with this and I have only splashed the surface of the data. The...


Visualising GEBCO: A new way of seeing the global oceans (2009)

A short overview of work-in-progress visualising the GEBCO dataset (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans) The visualisation involved developing a derived dataset from GEBCO in reference to WGS’84, where we have effectively ‘removed’ the entire Earth – all the continents, islands and geology above and below sea level. What remains...

Synapse :: Benthos

1.0 Introduction: “Benthos” is a project to explore and generate fulldome visualisations of volumetric and multidimensional datasets derived from Australian Antarctic Division, CSIRO and international oceanographic and marine science programmes. This page details some of the work-in-progress towards those visualisations. Enormous amounts of data have been generated during the International...