Category: Projects


Deep Ruin: Climate Disasters in Imaginary Lands

Australia Council practice-based research + creative development support material. The themes I explore in this creative development + practice-led research proposal develop long-term artistic preoccupations I have with landscape, romanticism and data-driven art. In several interesting and important ways these themes merge in the fields of artificial intelligence and human-machine...

Hurley - Bage - Mawson, 3D Reconstruction 0

AAE: Digital Ghosts Project

The AAE Digital Ghosts project develops and implements novel techniques in Deep Learning (DL) in application to Antarctic Cultural Heritage. Recent developments in DL facilitate the automated colourisation and extraction (or recreation) of three-dimensional data from black and white source photographs. In concert with conventional 3D-modelling and animation techniques, these reveal...


Deep Learning for Heritage Visualisation

Deep Learning can be employed in a variety of cultural heritage visualisation and reconstruction tasks. It is part of a family of machine learning approaches based upon the idea of ‘learning’ data representations through kernel-based algorithms that encode high dimensional abstractions in ‘deep’ or embedded artificial neural networks (ANNs). There...


Mawson’s Huts VR on the EPICylinder

This image shows a portion of a 120 million pixel stereoscopic render of the photogrammetrically-reconstructed interior of Mawson’s Huts, displayed upon the EPICentre EPICylinder at UNSW. As far as I am aware, this is currently (2018) the highest resolution stereoscopic immersive display system in the world – right here in...


Frank Hurley Super-Resolution Project

An inadvertent panorama taken by Frank Hurley, during the 1911-14 Australasian Antarctic Expedition. This panorama was derived from a low-resolution scan of a panning camera shot, taken by Hurley in 1911-12. It was image processed using machine learning super-resolution techniques and stitched together to create a panoramic image. Deep Learning...


Mawson’s Huts VR Project

360º Stereoscopic Views of Mawson’s Huts (photogrammetric + 3D model reconstructions). Preview Video: Note: currently VR view mode on iOS/Android may not work, due to gyro access and software issues. Desktop viewing functions as expected. I will push updates as and when available. These are a few work-in-progress renders of...


Behind the Technology: Creating the Dome

  In this public lecture Peter Morse discusses the technology and work behind creating the two “Travelling Kungkarangkalpa” fulldome movies for the DomeLab 6-metre digital dome, as part of the ‘Songlines: Tracking the Seven Sisters’ exhibition at the National Museum of Australia, Sept 2017 – Feb 2018.


Henbury Meteorite Craters: Panoramic Astrophotography

Henbury Crater 360º panorama – click and drag to look around On a recent trip to the Northern Territory (shooting fulldome timelapse astrophotography for a client) I took a little detour to the Henbury Meteorites Craters.  We had been told there was something that may be of interest there (I have to confess...


Mawson’s Room 8k

8k Version   HD Version Computational Photography & Photogrammetry in action: in the service of a story. A mood piece about Douglas Mawson’s bunk – as he may have woken up to see it in the Antarctic summer – apart from the 100+ years of change that subsequently accumulated. A...


Antarctic 360º Video, VR, Panoramas and Photogrammetry

With recent developments in 360º video and VR, it is now possible for me to revisit a variety of material I’ve accumulated over the last 20 years of Antarctic-related visualisation research: these range from work I have done with Frank Hurley’s stereoscopic glass plates (which I commenced in 1999 –...