Category: Science


Syn[a]: Visualizing Biometric Data from a Musical Performance

In December 2011 the Syn[a] Group, in concert with AARnet and the TSO, ran a 5 day workshop at the University of Tasmania Conservatorium of Music, where we visualised the biometric data of musical performers and transmitted this over high-bandwidth networks (AARNet) in stereoscopic 3D, creating an immersive augmented telepresence...


Ocean (2009)

Ocean (2009) from Peter Morse on Vimeo. A visualisation of the global ocean derived from the GEBCO dataset. Rendered at 4k Fulldome resolution. This is an excerpt from ongoing work – there is so much to do with this and I have only splashed the surface of the data. The...


Visualising GEBCO: A new way of seeing the global oceans (2009)

A short overview of work-in-progress visualising the GEBCO dataset (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans) The visualisation involved developing a derived dataset from GEBCO in reference to WGS’84, where we have effectively ‘removed’ the entire Earth – all the continents, islands and geology above and below sea level. What remains...