Category: Movies


Olimpia (2024)

Olimpia (2024) ‘Olimpia’ is a short film inspired by E.T.A. Hoffmann’s celebrated short-story ‘Der Sandmann’ (c.1816-17)  – re-imagined from the point of view of Olimpia, the automaton that becomes the love-object of the protagonist. Hoffman’s story prefigures the genre of ‘weird fiction’ in literature, an early example that explores the...

Promotional image for Planet Plop 0

Planet Plop

You can visit Planet Plop here. It’s just a sketch at this stage and will evolve over time. Music and songs are created in collaboration with my friend Glenn Rogers. From my perspective, I’m using it to explore and develop an emergent array of AI tools and techniques that can...


VMI 2.0

Virtual Macquarie Island v2.0 . Version 2.0 presents a massive leap-forward upon v1.0 on display at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) since 2021. The project received Visions of Australia funding to develop the project from a simple demonstrator to a sophisticated prototype suitable for permanent and travelling exhibition....


Ghost Halls

Ghost Halls is an experimental dream-horror movie by Peter Morse (Vision+Text) and Glenn Rogers (Music), using a combination of AI systems (Stable Diffusion, GPT-3, Replica Studio, Audio2Face), Unreal Engine and digital composition. This is a first-step experiment in developing an approach/workflow to explore a kind of Lovecraftian/Borgesian horror exploring AI-generated...


VMI Blog VIII: Voices in the Digital Twin

A night-time flight around Macquarie Island, reflecting both technical progress, technical issues, and a composite narrative of scientists who have worked there – an initial experiment in Digital Twin story-telling.Plus: demonstration of 3rd-person VR actor and satellite-derived inflow of vegetation mapping.


How to generate SRT subtitles from audio recordings using Word

A quick note about a free-ish (or relatively low cost) and not-too-finicky but a-bit-technical way to generate subtitles for video interviews using Microsoft Word – up to 1hr in length (00:59:59,999) – or longer if you cut up your video into <1hr transcripts. How long this will work, I have...

VMI WIP 010 0


A brief 9-minute overview of work-in-progress on Virtual Macquarie Island for the VMI Project. The movie covers the development of the environment and terrain model, ocean workflow and initial development tests in endemic fauna visualization – the Southern Elephant Seal and Wandering Albatross. Lots more in the pipeline! November 2021...


Ghosts of Antarctica

Ghosts of Antarctica 2021UHD 4k , Stereo. Duration: 8:10 Synopsis Ghosts of Antarctica is a reflective short film that brings new life and emotion to the faces of Australian Antarctic scientists and explorers of the Heroic Era in the early Twentieth century. An homage to the remarkable work of pioneering...