Category: Software



Envisioning Antarctica : Gaussian-splatting Experiments

This page will host my experiments with Gaussian-splatting pipelines. I finally found some time to get round to setting up the environment – pretty straight-forward stuff – and a lot of emergent integrations that are worth exploring. H.M.S. Endurance My first test is based on the H.M.S. Endurance NeRF work...

Promotional image for Planet Plop 0

Planet Plop

You can visit Planet Plop here. It’s just a sketch at this stage and will evolve over time. Music and songs are created in collaboration with my friend Glenn Rogers. From my perspective, I’m using it to explore and develop an emergent array of AI tools and techniques that can...

quilted paper decoupage abstracted close up of wire mesh distorted AI ambiguous gender face of CodeLLama a large language model as an electric hologram against a black background gold and silver leaf 0

Unreal Engine, Code Llama + LoRA

It’s exciting times for working with Large Language models for computer programming – especially for generalists like me who work across a range of platforms, languages and task-spaces that are often not very conversant with each other. Plus I am a ‘lazy’ self-taught programmer – there is far too much...


GPlates Visualizations

GPlates is ‘a plate tectonics program..(used to)..manipulate reconstructions of geological and paleogeographic features through geological time.’ I’ve looked at (and used) GPlates on and off over the years – it’s definitely the kind of software you need to spend some time getting your head around, as it is deep and...


Exploratory volumetric deep Earth visualization by 2.5D interactive compositing

Abstract:In this contribution we consider the visualization of global, deep Earth volume datasets for display and researcher interaction. While the algorithms and data analysis techniques that produce such volumetric results have become more sophisticated, the manner of visualizing these findings can be improved. We address the challenge of making an...


Immersive Analytics, Colour and Geoscience Visualisation

Over the last few months, I’ve been wrapping up my part-time second PhD, looking forward to new challenges. The research has focussed on interactive data visualisation and immersive analytics, principally developing a suite of software tools for visualisation and analysis of geoscientific data. They’re pretty much ‘discipline agnostic’ and could...