Category: interviews


VMI Blog VIII: Voices in the Digital Twin

A night-time flight around Macquarie Island, reflecting both technical progress, technical issues, and a composite narrative of scientists who have worked there – an initial experiment in Digital Twin story-telling.Plus: demonstration of 3rd-person VR actor and satellite-derived inflow of vegetation mapping.


Behind the Technology: Creating the Dome

  In this public lecture Peter Morse discusses the technology and work behind creating the two “Travelling Kungkarangkalpa” fulldome movies for the DomeLab 6-metre digital dome, as part of the ‘Songlines: Tracking the Seven Sisters’ exhibition at the National Museum of Australia, Sept 2017 – Feb 2018.

Peter Rasmussen Innovation Award, Sydney Film Festival (2010)

Peter Rasmussen Innovation Award 2010, 57th Sydney Film Festival from Peter Morse on Vimeo. 2010 PETER RASMUSSEN INNOVATION AWARD WINNER The Peter Rasmussen Innovation Award, now in its second year, was awarded to Peter Morse and announced at the closing night of the Sydney Film Festival. Established by a board...


Interview on 936 ABC Hobart

This came out of the blue – a radio interview with Michael Veitch on 936 ABC Hobart. A nice, intelligent man who asked interesting questions: hopefully a conversation that will develop. Anyway, here’s the audio: Peter Morse i-v


Through the Australia Council Arts Digital Era initiative I have assumed the lofty mantle of Geek-in-Residence – an exciting opportunity working with theTasmanian Symphony Orchestra, Salamanca Arts Centre and National Broadband Network – determining strategies and some actual outcomes for new digital era engagement for peak cultural bodies. It’s a pilot project with many exciting...

MHF 2009-2010 Visualisation Presentation

[vimeo id=”10320299″ w=”600″ h=”340″] A high-speed overview of visualisation activities I undertook during the 2009-2010 Mawson’s Huts Expedition to Cape Denison, Antarctica. A screen version of the talk presented at the MHF seminar at the Australian Museum, Sydney, 18 March 2010.