Category: Films

Feature-length, shorts, experimental films


Olimpia (2024)

Olimpia (2024) ‘Olimpia’ is a short film inspired by E.T.A. Hoffmann’s celebrated short-story ‘Der Sandmann’ (c.1816-17)  – re-imagined from the point of view of Olimpia, the automaton that becomes the love-object of the protagonist. Hoffman’s story prefigures the genre of ‘weird fiction’ in literature, an early example that explores the...


Ghosts of Antarctica

Ghosts of Antarctica 2021UHD 4k , Stereo. Duration: 8:10 Synopsis Ghosts of Antarctica is a reflective short film that brings new life and emotion to the faces of Australian Antarctic scientists and explorers of the Heroic Era in the early Twentieth century. An homage to the remarkable work of pioneering...


Of Ancient Design – UE Short Film Challenge: Production Background

It’s been such a mad rush it’s a bit difficult to recall the exact order of events. Back in July 2020 I entered the Unreal Engine Short Film Challenge Australia. That got me into the free 2 weeks of on-line training delivered by the terrific ANZ Epic Team (Tony, Chris...


Of Ancient Design

An undiscovered island. An ancient wreck. It is July 1810. The brig Perseverance is upon the high seas, the wild Southern Ocean. Ship’s Captain Frederick Hasselborough is searching for new sealing grounds, with a crew of 25 men. On this gloomy, squally day, Hasselborough is certain he is the first...


Blizzard Redux

Blizzard Redux is a renewal of a work I made in 2007, exploring the stereoscopic photographic record of the 1911-14 Australasian Antarctic Expedition. It’s now on permanent exhibit at TMAG in beautiful full-colour polarised 3D stereo – look for the special theatrette in the Antarctic exhibition. I’ve re-invigorated the work...

Liminal Redux (2019) 0

Liminal Redux

Liminal was an operatic song-cycle I conceived, wrote and created between 1996-1999, in collaboration with my friend, the composer Glenn Rogers. I had always intended it for the big screen, as a kind of follow-on for our earlier collaboration, The Horla, which was shot on 35mm film. However, the mid-1990’s...


Computational Ocean (2016)

Computational Ocean is a visualisation derived from my work on Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. It includes global ocean data visualisations deriving from the GEBCO dataset, global Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) datasets, as well as synthetic FFT-based ocean simulations. These are works-in-progress to create new and...


Sense of Place:: Cape Denison, Antarctica (2011)

Sense of Place:: Cape Denison, Antarctica from Peter Morse on Vimeo. Centrepiece: Cape Denison Triptych The centrepiece of a triptych video installation I made with Chris Henderson in 2011. WARNING: it is 33 minutes long and very slow – for a reason : it’s about looking and place and time...


The Super 8 Epics (1977/2013)

In the late 1970’s, when I was still a kid, I really got into making Super 8 movies – and learning all about stop-motion animation and special-effects (well, in-camera ones!) My Dad borrowed various cameras for me from Mount Lawley Teachers College (now Edith Cowan University), where he was Head...