Tagged: antarctica


East Antarctica: Geophysical Visualization

Visualization showing seismic survey stations across East Antarctica (2020) and inversion profiles of BEDMAP, Crust and LAB datasets. Produced for the Antarctic Gateway Partnership. Visualization by Peter Morse, Tobias Stål and Anya Reading University of Tasmania 2020. More work-in-progress in future updates.


mawsonshuts.com virtual tour

An interactive panoramic tour of Mawson’s Huts is now live at mawsonshuts.com. This is an immersive narrative documentary work created through my consultancy Chthonic, augmenting the important work of the Mawson’s Huts Foundation. The VR tour runs on any device supporting modern web standards (e.g. desktop browsers, mobile devices) and...

Hurley - Bage - Mawson, 3D Reconstruction 0

AAE: Digital Ghosts Project

The AAE Digital Ghosts project develops and implements novel techniques in Deep Learning (DL) in application to Antarctic Cultural Heritage. Recent developments in DL facilitate the automated colourisation and extraction (or recreation) of three-dimensional data from black and white source photographs. In concert with conventional 3D-modelling and animation techniques, these reveal...


Deep Learning for Heritage Visualisation

Deep Learning can be employed in a variety of cultural heritage visualisation and reconstruction tasks. It is part of a family of machine learning approaches based upon the idea of ‘learning’ data representations through kernel-based algorithms that encode high dimensional abstractions in ‘deep’ or embedded artificial neural networks (ANNs). There...


Mawson’s Huts VR Project

360º Stereoscopic Views of Mawson’s Huts (photogrammetric + 3D model reconstructions). Preview Video: Note: currently VR view mode on iOS/Android may not work, due to gyro access and software issues. Desktop viewing functions as expected. I will push updates as and when available. These are a few work-in-progress renders of...


Antarctica: Stereoscopic & Monoscopic Panoramas for VR

USE the https version of this page: https://www.petermorse.com.au/2016/12/stereoscopic-panoramas-for-vr/ Online VR technologies have come a long way recently, so I’m finally getting around to embedding some 360º stereoscopic and monoscopic panoramas that I shot during several adventures in Antarctica (see also my media art documentation.)  These images are viewable using Google Cardboard or compatible...


Antarctic 360º Video, VR, Panoramas and Photogrammetry

With recent developments in 360º video and VR, it is now possible for me to revisit a variety of material I’ve accumulated over the last 20 years of Antarctic-related visualisation research: these range from work I have done with Frank Hurley’s stereoscopic glass plates (which I commenced in 1999 –...


Antarctic Heritage: Photogrammetric Reconstructions

A draft model photogrammetric reconstruction of the interior of the Main Hut, Cape Denison, Antarctica.   A draft model photogrammetric reconstruction of the Transit Hut, Cape Denison, Antarctica. The Transit Hut is part of the Cape Denison Historic Site of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition (1911-14). Info about the Transit Hut: mawsonshuts.antarctica.gov.au/national-heritage/the-physical-remains/transit-hut This...


Shipping Container Architecture inspired by Antarctic Bases

One of my great passions, having been involved in building a base in Antarctica – at Cape Dension, Commonwealth Bay – is sustainable environmentally-friendly architecture. The great lesson I learnt in this process is that it could be relatively inexpensive to construct interesting, aesthetic modular buildings using industrial and recycled...


Ice-Free Antarctica: Visualization (2012)

A 3-minute visualisation of the ice-free regions of Antarctica commissioned by the Australian Antarctic Division for the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting XXXV. These regions are home to the terrestrial biodiversity of the Antarctic continent, but cover only 0.41% of the continental territory – the rest is ice. Of the 50850km2...