Category: Blog

Mawson’s Huts 2009-2010 Expedition

The Mawson’s Huts Foundation 2009-2010 Expedition will depart Tasmania on December 2nd 2009 – returning around January 28th- Feb 1st, 2010. I am the official photographer, videographer and film-maker, undertaking both documentary work and creating my own fulldome feature about the Huts, Antarctica and the oceans. In pursuit of cutting-edge...


LadyBug Adventures at Mawson’s Hut

Yesterday (Thurs 3rd) I manhauled a sled over to the Main Hut (truly in the manner of the early explorers…) carrying the LadyBug camera, a laptop, several other digital cameras, survival kit and so on – it was quite windy, and that makes it surprisingly tough going with a reasonable...


Summer Solstice Party & Name-Our-Rap-Group Competition!!!

To celebrate the summer solstice – that is, the longest day and shortest night (not that it makes any difference here as the sun never sets) – we all got dressed up in our best summer casuals and had a feast! The exotic Cape Denison Burgers whipped up by our Gordon Blue Conseurvatrix Mad...


Jubilee Base Extensions!

Our intrepid builder-architects, Pete McCabe and Jon Tucker, have wrestled with the Beast (the Cobra Rock Drill) and, with amazing rapidity, built the infrastructure for the new Base base – or the Base base extension. The verandah and access to Delaney’s Dunny disappeared for a while, but was resumed by...


“Spirit of Enderby” visits Mawson’s Huts

Today we had a delightful visit from the Spirit of Enderby – a ship chartered by the New Zealand company Heritage Expeditions, carrying some 60 passengers and crew, who met 8 keen-for-a-shower Mawson’s Huts teamers. Needless to say, we had a great time – showing our guests around the Huts...


Inside Mawson’s Huts

With my heart in my throat, I stepped inside Mawson’s Hut today – the odour of damp wood and time in one’s breath, a strange expansion of space as the interior seemed so large compared with the outside of the structure, subdued light, and the stillness of the place, a...


Day 2 Thoughts & Opening the Hut (almost)

There’s so much to describe here – it is the most amazingly beautiful place. A few kilometers of bare mid-grey gneissic rock jutting out to sea, rising to a few low hills of shattered stone, swathed in snow and bands of blue ice, some frozen lakes of pure fresh water...


Rough Seas in the Furious Fifties

Here’s a panorama I shot from the deck above the helipad, the evening before last. The seas were rising and picked up to a 5-6 metre swell – meaning a very uncomfortable night not sleeping as I was tossed around in my bunk. This shot gives an idea – it’s...

First Day on the High Seas 0

First Day on the High Seas

The day has been bright blue and warm in the sun, as L’Astrolabe passed 47º21S 146º21E (according to my new GPS unit), but starting to get chilly as the evening sets in. I spent much of today lying in my bunk recovering from a dose of avomil – anti-seasickness medication...


Voyage of the Vasiliy Golovnin Ep.5

Episode 5. January 22 2006. 10th day at sea. The Vasiliy Golovnin is almost brought to a standstill in the pack ice – which extends in all directions – the most magnificent vista. Penguins, a Leopard Seal, a Wandering Albatross, a romantic sunset. New friendships. Next day we arrive at...