Tagged: visualization


Envisioning Antarctica : Gaussian-splatting Experiments

This page will host my experiments with Gaussian-splatting pipelines. I finally found some time to get round to setting up the environment – pretty straight-forward stuff – and a lot of emergent integrations that are worth exploring. H.M.S. Endurance My first test is based on the H.M.S. Endurance NeRF work...


Virtual Macquarie Island

UPDATE: VMI has been awarded Commonwealth development funding through the Visions of Australia program. The Minister’s media release is here. Project details can be found here: https://www.petermorse.com.au/2021/06/visions-of-australia-vmi/ This is brief preview (v0.1) of a project I’ve been working on in my spare time, on and off – a high-resolution simulation...


Visualising & Modelling Trees

Tasmania has some of the largest trees in the world – giants that can be thousands of years old, growing in its not-so-remote temperate rainforests. This is an experiment in making a reasonably accurate photogrammetric model of a very large Eucalyptus Regnans – sadly killed by the devastating bushfires around...


MONA Mummy

Visualization of a 2000-year-old Egyptian Mummy – Peter Morse & Paul Bourke We first started working upon the idea of visualizing one of the Egyptian Mummies from the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA, Tasmania) collection in 2007, when I was approached by the exhibition designer for MONA, Adrian...