Author: pm


No New Messages

An old iPhone recording (2016) of a scam telephone call, using a synthesized voice, recorded on an old answering machine (2000) that uses an even older synthetic voice, meets NVIDIA’s Audio2Face (2021) – ‘an AI-powered application that generates expressive facial animation from just an audio source.’ A conjunction both sinister...



As mentioned in the previous blog post, I’m exploring the excellent WaterLine water system, which is enabling me to ~finally~ get some decent results with shorelines – something that is clearly a subject of active development in computer graphics, as the physics are so complicated and hard to simulate from...


VMI Blog

As I am now producing dozens and dozens of test renders I thought it would be instructive to post a few in this blog in order to keep track of progress and make some technical observations. These are ~not~ finished renders – simply work-in-progress. The first (silent) video here is...


Experiments with Unreal Engine 5

As I progress with testing the new capabilities – and limitations – of UE5, I’ll post them here. The main objective is to work out an effective workflow using new features such as Lumen and Nanite. The first renders are done on an RTX 2070, but later I’ll move to...


Virtual South Georgia

What started off as a little zero-budget technical experiment in my spare time inadvertently turned into a bit of an epic. Anyway, I started getting my head around some technical things I wanted to figure out, so it’s all good. Hope you enjoy it. If there are mistakes regarding place...

Visions of Australia: VMI

Synopsis Virtual Macquarie Island (VMI 1.0), is a prototype digital exhibit created in collaboration with TMAG and the Australian Antarctic Program. It is currently on exhibit at TMAG’s Islands to Ice Antarctica gallery. VMI 2.0 will develop a digital touring exhibition, including collaboration with Australian scientific organisations and South Australian,...


Interactive Visualization for Data Inference in the Geosciences

This is the author resource for my PhD thesis (2021): Interactive Visualization for Data Inference in the Geosciences. The full PDF is available here: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24579.63523 Publication Repository: Software Repository: Github: Links to published papers for individual chapters are provided below. Degree Doctor of Philosophy, Discipline of Earth...


Ghosts of Antarctica

Ghosts of Antarctica 2021UHD 4k , Stereo. Duration: 8:10 Synopsis Ghosts of Antarctica is a reflective short film that brings new life and emotion to the faces of Australian Antarctic scientists and explorers of the Heroic Era in the early Twentieth century. An homage to the remarkable work of pioneering...