Category: feature

Dark – The Movie

Produced by Peter Morse and Paul Bourke DARK is a fulldome movie that explains and explores the nature of Dark Matter, the missing 80% of the mass of the Universe. The Story The search for Dark Matter is one of the most pressing astrophysical problems of our time – the...

0 virtual tour

An interactive panoramic tour of Mawson’s Huts is now live at This is an immersive narrative documentary work created through my consultancy Chthonic, augmenting the important work of the Mawson’s Huts Foundation. The VR tour runs on any device supporting modern web standards (e.g. desktop browsers, mobile devices) and...

Liminal Redux (2019) 0

Liminal Redux

Liminal was an operatic song-cycle I conceived, wrote and created between 1996-1999, in collaboration with my friend, the composer Glenn Rogers. I had always intended it for the big screen, as a kind of follow-on for our earlier collaboration, The Horla, which was shot on 35mm film. However, the mid-1990’s...

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Colourising Stereoscopic Glass Plates with Deep Learning

13 years ago, in 2006, I was commissioned to produce a stereoscopic movie by the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) for their then-new ‘Islands to Ice‘ Antarctic exhibition, based upon stereoscopic glass plates taken during the 1911-14 Australasian Antarctic Expedition. It arose from research I was doing at the...


Immersive Analytics, Colour and Geoscience Visualisation

Over the last few months, I’ve been wrapping up my part-time second PhD, looking forward to new challenges. The research has focussed on interactive data visualisation and immersive analytics, principally developing a suite of software tools for visualisation and analysis of geoscientific data. They’re pretty much ‘discipline agnostic’ and could...

Hurley - Bage - Mawson, 3D Reconstruction 0

AAE: Digital Ghosts Project

The AAE Digital Ghosts project develops and implements novel techniques in Deep Learning (DL) in application to Antarctic Cultural Heritage. Recent developments in DL facilitate the automated colourisation and extraction (or recreation) of three-dimensional data from black and white source photographs. In concert with conventional 3D-modelling and animation techniques, these reveal...


Deep Learning for Heritage Visualisation

Deep Learning can be employed in a variety of cultural heritage visualisation and reconstruction tasks. It is part of a family of machine learning approaches based upon the idea of ‘learning’ data representations through kernel-based algorithms that encode high dimensional abstractions in ‘deep’ or embedded artificial neural networks (ANNs). There...


Asteroid Bennu Visualisations

  The OSIRIS_REx spacecraft has arrived at Asteroid Bennu, on an exciting sample-return mission. Some of the earliest publicly-available photographs are of sufficient resolution to enable space-enthusiasts like me to have a crack at creating a photogrammetric model – so here it is. It’s probably not terribly accurate given the...


Mawson’s Huts VR on the EPICylinder

This image shows a portion of a 120 million pixel stereoscopic render of the photogrammetrically-reconstructed interior of Mawson’s Huts, displayed upon the EPICentre EPICylinder at UNSW. As far as I am aware, this is currently (2018) the highest resolution stereoscopic immersive display system in the world – right here in...


Behind the Technology: Creating the Dome

  In this public lecture Peter Morse discusses the technology and work behind creating the two “Travelling Kungkarangkalpa” fulldome movies for the DomeLab 6-metre digital dome, as part of the ‘Songlines: Tracking the Seven Sisters’ exhibition at the National Museum of Australia, Sept 2017 – Feb 2018.