Tagged: photogrammetry


Digitally Reconstructing Mawson’s Huts, Antarctica.

With the ongoing improvement in AI and machine learning models, as well as adaptive, programmable workflows in environments like Python/Jupyter, ComfyUI, Blender and Unreal Engine, it is a productive time to look at new approaches in heritage visualisation and digital conservation. Over the last 20+ years I have accumulated an...


Visualising & Modelling Trees

Tasmania has some of the largest trees in the world – giants that can be thousands of years old, growing in its not-so-remote temperate rainforests. This is an experiment in making a reasonably accurate photogrammetric model of a very large Eucalyptus Regnans – sadly killed by the devastating bushfires around...


Asteroid Bennu Visualisations

  The OSIRIS_REx spacecraft has arrived at Asteroid Bennu, on an exciting sample-return mission. Some of the earliest publicly-available photographs are of sufficient resolution to enable space-enthusiasts like me to have a crack at creating a photogrammetric model – so here it is. It’s probably not terribly accurate given the...


Antarctic Heritage: Photogrammetric Reconstructions

A draft model photogrammetric reconstruction of the interior of the Main Hut, Cape Denison, Antarctica.   A draft model photogrammetric reconstruction of the Transit Hut, Cape Denison, Antarctica. The Transit Hut is part of the Cape Denison Historic Site of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition (1911-14). Info about the Transit Hut: mawsonshuts.antarctica.gov.au/national-heritage/the-physical-remains/transit-hut This...